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Define "Fetch" By Vizsla
Below is how just one Vizsla defines the word "fetch". Can you imagine the breed collectively? As always there are those who push the envelope in all that is bird dogs. That's exactly what is going on below. One Vizsla pushing the retrieving envelope every day for as many minutes as she can engineer to her satisfaction.
Delta comes honestly by her "fetching disorder". Her grandma BISS Ch Effervescent Ginger Snap JH did many of the antics Delta does with snap swallowing water, swimming underwater, love of fielding, leader dog, not nice when confined away from people she loves. Insists & demands she WILL get what she wants. Ginger insisted on a fifty killed birds a day for a satisfying day. Once exposed to an over abundance of retrieving wild game she simply wanted to do it over & over again. Ginger's retrieving precosity is verily passed on. We have seen "Ginger" five & six generations away & on just one tail of a pedigree. The ones with Ginger in their pedigree twice....well, time will tell that tail, an already known tail, no doubt.
I leave you to a very small part of what makes Delta so special, her desire to retrieve until she cannot walk or swim. That doesn't happen often.
It is impossible to tire Delta out.
She just goes & goes & goes & goes. And goes.
She will even fill up the pool if you can't or won't.
I told you she didn't tire out.
Her thirst to retrieve is unquenchable.
                  Delivery, Ordering A Delivery & A Fetching Outfit
                Fetch really does mean fetch to Delta
                                       Black & White & Sepia "Retrieve"
This website composes the private and public collections & lifetime investments of Vizslak peoples around the world with an initial focus on the USA & the field because that is the information SITmUP has far. Please "respect" our collective work on and do not use in an unexpected way. The individual collections form the cornerstones of every Vizsla living and owned by "you" today.
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If "you" wish to reprint whole body text or "historical photos" please request written permission from The Vizslak Sentinel by contacting .
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"The Vizslak Sentinel "  (c) Jan 13, 2009
Product of Stuck In The mud Underground Publishing (SITmUP)






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