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 The Behi Vizsla (1961-2011) AND The Paradox Vizsla (1976-2011)

Clif & Hilda Boggs  AND Drs David & Nancy Heinold DVM
There is more information available on people & dogs at &
 AFC FC Behi Piri Csiny (first V-winner of NSTRA stake)
AFC FC Behi CseCse Csiny (last winner of Ltd before National Field Championship)
In June of 2011, the Boggs family celebrate 50 years of Vizslas when their first Vizsla, Lady Vizsta CD was born. They had no idea their life and yours, had forever changed. Nor did they know that the Vizsla arrives already trained. Vizslas live with unbridled enthusiasm their whole lives... training us.
The young couple went to their first field trial in New Sharon, Iowa in 1962 with a puppy who would become DC Behi’s Csinos Csiny CD HOF (foundation Behi bitch). Trixie would get 3rd place in Puppy with Hilda handling. Trixie had twisted her DNA hook & taken over training the entire Boggs family (then 6, now 10).
Trixie & Hilda were the true engineers for Behi. Clif just did as his women wished….creating a handsome, happy, healthy hunter that had genetic, competitive & service integrity and would satisfy their new owners regardless of whatever interests were pursued. All that Behi Vizslas asked for... were opportunities.


Perhaps, Trixie’s greatest accomplishment was training the Boggs" younger daughter…Dr Nancy Boggs Heinold DVM, who Trixie slept with to ensure her training success. It is from Nancy’s breeding interests that nearly all of todays' dogs with Behi bloodlines…spring from. ALL of the dogs that descend from Diana, Randy & Carl, originate from Paradox Vizslas.


Nancy followed breeding advice from Count Bela Hadik & Miklos Farkashazi. Nancy has earned her place in Behi history by following it. She took a correctly structured heavy boned bitch & bred her to 3 fancy males. The puppies Nancy sold did the outcrossing with Nancy & her siblings doing the extensive linebreeding on those genetic threads.  Paradox Vizslas celebrate 35 years when Nancy & Dave wed 09/04/1976, co-incidentally the same wedding anniversary date as Clif & Hilda Boggs.


The Behi Vizsla continues to have impact decades after "retiring" because of their "children" (dogs AND people), who have branched out in Vizsla activities that interest them the most.
Jewelry Designed by Nancy
bcb. "The Vizsla" (first published article)




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