Mz Mud Studio
"On Target" dlb
This is the very first website I have designed. Not only do I have no
training for designing websites, but I blocked this one up all by myself. I also have no training for drawing, photography,
advertising, PhotoShop, writing or Event Reporting.
All that doesn't slow me down one bit.
This entire website, particularly the Mz Mud studio is a testament
as to what pure ignorance & cussed persistence can
bring to a person or a breed.
We do logos for fifty dollars & up.
Already prepared Mz Mud E-graphics are available. Cost if
sent by email is two dollars each. Minimum order is 5
already prepared graphics. Cost if CD sent by snail mail
is five dollars each. All of the graphics from this page
is the gallery from which you will make your selection.
Those graphics will be available for viewing by 071509.
Below is a link for converting photos to personal portraits..
We will continually be adding new items for sale once
we get our oars into the frothy water.
We will be adding several new products before 071509.
SITmUP has many photographs for resale particularly if someone is interested in one of the 2000 National Events. Just ask if you don't see what you thought you wanted. If sent by email photographs are three apiece with a minimum order of 4 photographs. If sent by snail mail each photograph is $6 on a CD.